1980 was the last year in which Liverpool Street – Norwich expresses were handled
by steam heat 47/0s, with the ETH variety taking over on 1 December.
Locomotives were converted through the year, but tended to work elsewhere on the
network once modified, pending the December launch.
6th The new decade opened on a positive with four new arrivals, they were 47024 from
Laira, currently in works undergoing overhaul and conversion to 47557, plus three 47/3s from Thornaby, 47362/3/8.
Silver roofs painted: 47118, 47160, 47255.
24th 47276 xbs arrived from Thornaby in exchange for xos 47368.
47016 had one of its marker light panels damaged.
47085 was stopped for collision damage repairs.
47155 received red buffer beams.
47170 received black cab window surrounds.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul were: 47005 (7L), blue roof restored 47557 (5I & ETH) ex 47024,
47571 (6I & ETH), blue roof restored, boiler water tanks and slow speed control removed ex 47164,
47581 (6I & ETH), blue roof restored, boiler water tanks and slow speed control removed ex 47169
Silver roofs painted: 47150, 47278, 47279.
D.ML repaired: 47016.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47003 (7L), with blue roof restored.
20th A record stay for 47093 which promptly went back to Thornaby in exchange for xis 47291.
On arrival at Stratford the boiler in 47291 was reactivated making it xbs.
Also during the month: 47180 was named “County of Suffolk” at Ipswich.
47184 was named “County of Cambridgeshire” at Cambridge.
11th 47043 xb from Immingham, together with 47179 xbs, 47292 xos and 47296 xis from Healey Mills were all transferred in. 47043 was already in Crewe Works for
overhaul and conversion to 47566. In part exchange 47009-11 were transferred to
Finsbury Park, who promptly painted out the silver roofs on 47010 and 47011.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47580 (6I & ETH), blue roof restored, boiler water tanks and slow speed control removed, ex 47167.
Silver roofs painted: 47005, 47115, 47179, 47276, 47581 with the last also receiving its crest and red buffer beams.
47170 was given black marker light panels, then later in the month large logo and numbers.
29th 47176 xis (already in works for overhaul and ETH conversion) was transferred in
and replaced 47362 which returned to Thornaby. Although not seen at the time
there is now some photographic evidence (if the identity can be verified) that 47362
did receive a silver roof.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47576 (6I & ETH), water tanks retained, slow speed control removed ex 47176.
Silver roofs painted: 47296, 47363.
47170 was sadly given yellow cabsides to complete its Large Logo livery.
27th 47044 xb arrives from Immingham to replace 47296 which returns north.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47566 (5I & ETH), boiler water tanks removed, ex 47043.
Silver roofs painted: 47003, 47580.
30th Missing since 1971, 47183 finally returned from exile with Healey Mills releasing
the loco. The loco was allocated to become 47579 at next overhaul.
Crewe Works released 47160 from 5L overhaul, with blue roof restored.
Silver roof painted: 47163
47278 was painted with black cab window surrounds at one end.
17th 47047 xb arrives from Immingham to replace 47292 which returns north.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47116 (5L), with blue roof restored.
Silver roofs painted: 47571, 47576.
P.ML(N) fitted: 47116 (both ends), 47118 (one end), all three panels were black.
5th In readiness for the December introduction of air-conditioned stock, additional ETH
locomotives were transferred in at the beginning of the winter timetable as the home
fleet would not all be ready in time.
47039 xb and 47181 xbs came from Immingham (both due ETH conversion) and
47519/21/22 xd together with 47549 xe came from York. In exchange 47162 went
to Finsbury Park (who painted out its silver roof) and 47163, 47255 went to York.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul were 47117 (5L), blue roof restored
and 47567 (5I & ETH) boiler water tanks removed ex 47044.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul were: 47565 (5I & ETH), boiler water tanks removed, ex 47039, and
47583 (6I & ETH), blue roof restored, boiler water tanks and slow speed control removed, yellow ML panels, ex 47172.
Silver roofs painted: 47522, 47549, 47566.
14th In a further move to bolster the ETH fleet Eastfield’s newly converted 47568 was
exchanged with 47181 which was currently in works undergoing conversion to 47578.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul were: 47017 (7L), blue roof restored, and
47584 (6I & ETH), blue roof restored, boiler water tanks and slow speed control removed, ex 47180.
Silver roofs painted: 47519, 47521.
End of Year summary
xb, blue roof: 47017/47, 116/7 (4)
xb, silver roof: 47003-7/14/6/8/9/85, 114/5/8/30/5/50/5/6/8/60 (20)
xbs, Large Logo: 47170 (1)
xbs, silver roof: 47179/83/4, 276/8/9 (6)
xos, silver roof: 47363
xd, silver roof: 47519/21/2 (3)
xe, blue roof: 47557/65/7/8/83/4 (6)
xe, silver roof: 47549/66/71/6/80/1 (6)