This year continued the trend in a very low number of transfers, with just a small
number of slow speed control locos being transferred in. Presumably the ongoing
introduction of Class 56s meant that they were less in demand for their previous
duties. The ongoing “war” between Crewe Works out-shopping locos in standard
blue livery versus Stratford slapping silver-grey paint on them at the earliest
opportunity continued. Other highlights were the naming of Great Eastern and the
five ‘Counties’ (all pre-ETH modifications), and the return of 47163 following its
collision on Christmas Eve 1977.
47169 had P.ML(N) panels, painted black, fitted at both ends, straight from unmodified.
The panels were inserted upside down, with the lenses slightly nearer
the top rather than the bottom.
Silver roof painted: 47114
Crewe Works released 47130 from its 5L overhaul, with blue roof restored.
Silver roof painted: 47162
47169 was named “Great Eastern” at Liverpool Street. This time it was official.
Transfers had been at an extremely low ebb in recent months, but the summer
timetable brought three new additions. 47093 returned from Thornaby, but by now
had no boiler (xo), and 47278/9, both xbs, arrived from Tinsley.
20th A record stay for 47093 which promptly went back to Thornaby in exchange for xis 47291.
On arrival at Stratford the boiler in 47291 was reactivated making it xbs.
Also during the month: 47180 was named “County of Suffolk” at Ipswich.
47184 was named “County of Cambridgeshire” at Cambridge.
Crewe Works released three locomotives from overhaul: 47085 (5L) with blue roof restored, 47163 (5I) in standard blue livery with rebuilt
cabs at both ends with flush fronts (P.ML(A)) and new arrival 47279 (5L) to which D.ML was fitted.
47163 had been out of traffic for eighteen months.
Silver roof painted: 47004
Crewe Works released 47156 from 5L overhaul, with blue roof restored.
Silver roof painted: 47009
47172 was named “County of Hertfordshire” at Hertford East.
Crewe Works released 47118 from 5L overhaul, with blue roof restored.
Silver roofs painted: 47130, 47155, 47278.
47172 was fitted with P.ML(N) at the other end, and both panels painted black.
47167 was named “County of Essex” at Witham Station.
47170 was named “County of Norfolk” at Norwich.
When allocated numbers for ETH conversion the six were given numbers at the end of the batch, rather than sequentially with
their sisters.
30th Missing since 1971, 47183 finally returned from exile with Healey Mills releasing
the loco. The loco was allocated to become 47579 at next overhaul.
Crewe Works released 47160 from 5L overhaul, with blue roof restored.
Silver roof painted: 47163
47278 was painted with black cab window surrounds at one end.
Crewe Works released 47004 from 7L overhaul, with blue roof restored. The first SF 47 to have its 7th overhaul.
Silver roofs painted: 47085, 47291.
Crewe Works released 47278 from its 5L overhaul, with blue roof and standard cab windows restored.
Silver roofs painted: 47004, 47016, 47183.
Crewe Works released 47115 from its 5L overhaul, with blue roof restored.
Silver roof painted: 47156.
End of Year summary
xb, blue roof: 47115/8/50/60, 255 (5)
xb, silver roof: 47003-7/9-11/4/6-9/85, 114/6/7/30/5/55/6/8/62/3 (24)
xbs, blue roof: 47278/9 (2)
xbs, silver roof: 47164/7/9/70/2/80/3/4 (8) (all scheduled for ETH modifications)