A year which saw the end of the Shenfield drags with conclusion of rebuilding work at Liverpool Street and
concentration of Freighliner locomotives at Tinsley left Stratford with just a handful to work
King's Lynn - Cambridge shuttles, aggregate and oil trains.
47598 xe NSE2 was transferred back to Laira.
47596 xi B4sr was transferred from Tinsley. Tinsley had isolated the ETH and overdue for an overhaul last being in October 83.
ETH reinstated on overhaul which was carried out at Stratford DRS.
47229 xos B4 was transferred from Crewe.
Also during the month:
Released from Stratford Major following CEM overhaul was 47596 (7L) NSE2 livery.
18 th
47583 xe NSE2 transferred from Old Oak Common, and 47014 xo Rf1 transferred to Tinsley.
19 th
47573 xe NSE1 transferred from Old Oak Common, 47596 xe NSE2 transferred to Old Oak Common.
26 th
47596 xe NSE2 transferred from Old Oak Common, 47573 xe NSE1 transferred to Old Oak Common.
31 st
47583 xe NSE2 transferred to Old Oak Common.
Also during the month:
47465 repainted in to Large Logo livery complete with black marker light panels and an orange cantrail line.
2 nd
47573 xe NSE1 transferred from Old Oak Common, 47007 xo Rf1 transferred to Tinsley, 47596 xe NSE2 transferred to Old Oak Common.
9 th
47007 xo Rf1 transferred from Tinsley, 47596 xe NSE2 transferred from Old Oak Common, 47573 xe NSE1 transferred to Old Oak Common.
Also during the month:
Sparrow emblems: 47116, 47455.
Black marker light panels painted: 47121, 47229, 47455, 47581.
Orange cantrail line: 47121
NSE2 livery: 47581.
Repaints: 47121 in B4 with Silver Roof - the last time Stratford carried out this embellishment, and 47455 in large logo.
With the Shenfield drags over the ETH allocation was understandably reduced, leaving just the NSE locomotives for the Kings Lynn services.
Freightliner and parcels locomotives where also transferred away from Stratford.
47007 / 47096 / 47099 / 47100 / 47105 / 47108 / 47112 / 47106 / 47121 / 47123 all transferred to Tinsley,
47229 / 47291 / 47433 / 47435 / 47452 / 47455 / 47462 / 47465 / 47522 / 47523 all transferred to Crewe,
47458 / 47482 transferred to Bristol.
16 th
47114 transferred to Eastfield (longest continually serving loco at Stratford).
18 th
47295 xos B4sr transferred from Immingham.
26 th
47115 xot B4sr transferred from Immingham, now had an additional fuel tank in in what was the boiler compartment.
47007 xo Rf3a transferred from Tinsley.
47439 xe LL was transferred from Crewe.
Also during the month:
47430 was repainted into Rf3a livery.
6 th
47115 xot B4sr / 47295 xos B4sr transferred to Immingham.
17 th
47054 Rf3p transferred from Immingham.
Also during the month:
Released from overhaul from Doncaster Works: 47328 (7L) Rf3a livery.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
End of Year summary
47007 xo Rf3a, named "Stratford"
47054 xo Rf3p
47325 xos Rf1
47328 xos Rf3a
47346 xos Rf1
47366 xos Rf1, named "The Institution of Civil Engineers"
47367 xos Rf2
47430 xe Rf3a
47439 xe LL
47576 xe NSE2, named "The London STANDARD"
47579 xe NSE2, named "James Nightall GC"
47581 xe NSE2, named "Great Eastern"
47596 xe NSE2, named "Aldeburgh Festival"
Page last updated 20/04/19