A fairly stable year, but saw the loss of several long standing boiler fitted machines
and their replacement with ETH fitted locos, thus further expanding the fleet from
the original 1980 core. The year also saw further increases in the ‘freight specific’
Silver roofs painted: 47007/10, 47435.
The slow speed control equipment on 47313/63 was reported to be isolated.
Silver roof painted: 47581.
Permanent marker lights fitted at one end: 47005.
Boiler removed: 47295 (it was already isolated).
One Man Operation fitted (SSF): 47363.
This latter modification, ultimately fitted to the whole class, involved (amongst other things)
the installation of a system that would recognise if the locomotive was moving.
The equipment was fitted behind the marker light panel at No.2 end, and the old frame that held
the headcode lights had to be removed. A consequence of this was that the marker lights had to
change from being a panel with lenses and bulbs behind to a panel incorporating two discreet lights.
The new modification is termed P.ML(H) (Permanent Marker lights – Headlights). Initially locomotives were
modified at both ends (as this one was), but later at the No.2 end only. Locomotives
rebuilt with flush fronts already had headlight assemblies so needed no further visible modification.
13th A new program of ETH conversions was to commence in the new financial year, and
in readiness for its forthcoming overhaul 47263 returned from Immingham.
20th 47112/22, both xo B4, arrive from Cardiff, releasing boiler fitted 47004/5 to Eastfield.
Also during the month:
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47311 (7L), with blue roof.
47458 returned to traffic with a flush front at No.2 end, and despite this repair
being carried out at Stratford DRS no silver roof was applied.
47584 gained a black permanent marker light panel at one end.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47276 (6I) with blue roof, yellow P.ML(N) fitted and
boiler water tanks
Silver roof painted: 47135.
47579 gained permanent marker lights at one end.
The next candidate for ETH conversion 47178, was transferred in then strangely cancelled, leaving the
loco on Crewe’s books.
15th The trend of releasing boiler fitted locomotives to Scotland and replacing them with
no heat examples continued. On this date 47014/6 moved to Gateshead and 47118 to Inverness. They were
replaced by 47055 xi B4 from Cardiff, and 47099 xi B4 and 47265 xb B4 from Immingham. The latter was assigned
for ETH conversion in the near future. Also joining the fleet were series parallel 47486/7 from Bescot.
These two were last minute replacements for the intended 47474 and 47535, which were transferred in and then cancelled.
Also during the month:
OMO modifications: 47008/19/52, 276/95, 313 – all P.ML(H) both ends apart from 47019 which was already flush front at No.2 end.
47115 received permanent marker lights at both ends, 47363 red buffer beams, 47579 a polish and 47581 suffered sidescrape damage.
On an unspecified date 47294 xos was transferred to Immingham without replacement.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47587 (5I). The former 47263 being fitted with ETH, losing its
boiler and boiler water tanks, with blue roof, was fitted with standard headlights, permanent marker light panels (N)
both ends, and with ETH jumpers in the new standard position on the bufferbeam with the dummy sockets outermost
to ease coupling. Apart from the non-standard version on 47574 this was the first Stratford based 47 to have headlights.
OMO fitted: 47085/93, 162, 311. All P.ML(H) at both ends apart from 47085 which had had flush panels at both ends. This modification
did however reveal (as had been long suspected) that the panel at No.2 end was purely cosmetic and was removed to become standard P.ML(H).
Silver roof painted: 47458. Silver roof repainted 47576, together with yellow ends and marker light panels.
10th Recent arrival 47486 was transferred to Cardiff without replacement.
Also during the month:
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47591 (5I). The former 47265 was treated similarly to its sister the month before,
although unlike 47263 it had not gained a silver roof during its previous stint at SF.
SSF fitted: 47116. The marker light modification was at the now standard No. 2 end only.
Silver roof painted: 47155.
47572 gained P.ML(N) at one end only, the other end retaining the close dots on the D.ML panel. Note that despite being overhauled in 1981
this loco has yet to gain a silver roof.
Silver roofs painted: 47008/11, 150, 566/91.
P.ML(N) both ends, with clear lenses one end: 47566.
Boiler isolated: 47085.
2nd 47486 returned from its summer stay in Cardiff, and was joined by dual heat
47542/4 moving south from Gateshead.
Also during the month:
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul were:
47115 (6I), blue roof restored, P.ML(H) No.2 end, SSF.
47580 (7L), blue roof restored, P.ML(N) both ends, headlights.
47596 (6I), ETH, headlights fitted, with blue roof, boiler and boiler water tanks removed, ex 47255.
Silver roof painted: 47097
P.ML(N): 47003
P.ML(H) and cabfront numbers at No.2 end: 47010.
Loco was undoubtedly fitted with SSF but it wasn’t reported.
th November The ETH fleet was further bolstered by the transfers in of 47438/9 from Cardiff,
and strangely 47472, the former D1600, from Inverness. On the same date 47117 departed for Eastfield and
47295 for Immingham.
Also during the month:
Hot on the heels of its silver roof 47097 now received a full repaint and P.ML(H) at No.2 end, and again the
fitting of SSF was not reported. 47117 was also SSF fitted before its transfer north.
Silver roof painted: 47486.
Headlights fitted: 47439, 47544, 47566.
Released from Crewe Works following overhaul was 47576 (7L) with blue roof.
Silver roofs painted: 47130, 47438, 47571, 47580.
SSF fitted: 47130.
Headlights fitted: 47003, 47438, 47571.
P.ML(N) at one end: 47574.
End of Year summary
xb, B4, blue roof: 47115 (1)
xb, B4, silver roof: 47003/7/10/1, 116/30/5/58 (8)
xi or xo, B4, blue roof: 47006/52/5/93/9, 112/62 (7)
xi or xo, B4, silver roof: 47008/19/85/97, 114/50/5 (7)
xos, B4, blue roof: 47276, 311/3 (3)
xos, B4, silver roof: 47363 (1)
xd, B4, blue roof: 47457, 542/4 (3)
xd, B4, silver roof: 47435/58 (2)
xe, B4, blue roof: 47439/72/87, 572/6/87/96 (7)
xe, B4, silver roof: 47438/86, 566/8/9/71/3/4/7/9-82/4/5/91 (16)
xe, large logo: 47583 (1)
Total: 56